Biophilic Education

Mentor Development in
Project Based Learning and Social Emotional Learning

Learn to effectively deliver PBL and SEL using
the Da Vinci Life Skills (DVLS) Curriculum with equal value for
academic, practical, creative and social/emotional learning.

 Introductory Level 

(18 hours)
£20 / hour (£360)
Get an introduction to PBL and SEL and work through the DVLS Personal Exploration Project (PEP) and basics of our life skills assessment method.
(Prices are per person for each level)

 Level 1

(30 hours + your own pilot)
£20 / hour (£600)
After the intro course teachers are given a minimum of 30 hours of online training and support, while preparing and delivering the DVLS Curriculum & Assessment Framework. On successful completion, they receive the BE Mentor Level 1 Certificate to deliver the DVLS Curriculum and other project based learning models.

Level 2 

 (60+30 hours)
£20 / hour (£1800)
At Level 2, BE Mentors receive specialist training in individual pathways and learn how to build project-based learning resources. With this certificate teachers can co-create project content and resources in partnership with the BE Alliance.

Level 3

Level 3 BE Mentor Development (60+30 hours)
£20 / hour (£1800)
With a Level 3 BE Mentor Certificate, teachers become Master Mentors, who can train other BE Mentors, and schools can become BE Mentor Development Centres, working in partnership with the BE Alliance.

Up Coming Training Schedules

Biophilic Education

Introductory Level
Mentor Development

Get an introduction to PBL and SEL and work through the Personal Exploration Project (PEP) and our life skills assessment method.
Intro to BE Mentor Development (18 hours)
£20 / hour (£360)
(twice weekly - 90 minutes each - for 6 weeks)
6th May - 12th June 

Tuesdays and Thursdays, please pick one of the two time slots:

7:30am-9am GMT

17:05pm-18:35pm GMT

Biophilic Education

Level 1
Mentor Development

Level 1 BE Mentor Development, get online support while you deliver one of the DVLS projects in your own school/hub (30 hours) £20 / hour (£600)
(twice weekly - 90 minutes each - for 10 weeks)
7th April - 13th June
Monday and Friday, please pick one of the four time slots:

7:30am-9am GMT

(ideal for Oceania and Asia teachers)

10am-11:30am GMT

(ideal morning for UK, Europe, Africa teachers)

5pm-6:30pm GMT 

(ideal mornings for PST teachers)


Intro Course
Intro to the Multiverse

Get an introduction to how RPGs and the multiverse can drive adult readiness through PBL and SEL as we work through the 13 Phase of Character Building. 
(30 hours) £20 / hour (£600)
(twice weekly - 90 minutes each - for 10 weeks)
8th April - 12th June
Monday and Friday, please pick one of the four time slots:

12 noon - 13:30pm GMT

(ideal morning for EST teachers)

15:30pm - 17:00pm GMT

(ideal morning for PST teachers)

Training Costs & Payment

Intro to BE Mentor Development (18 hours) £20 / hour (£360)
Level 1 BE Mentor Development (30 hours) £20 / hour (£600)
Sign up for Intro for £360 or both Intro and Level 1 and get a 10% discount. £864

Teacher-Gamer Intro to the Multiverse (30 hours) £20 / hour (£600)

Please confirm your enrolment with your payment and an email to us.

Wise Payment Link

Intro to the Multiverse

Paypal Payment Link

Intro to the Multiverse