The  Da Vinci Life-Skills Curriculum

We are offering 5 project pathways


That lead to 5 DVQs - Da Vinci Qualifications

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough, we must apply.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

The Da Vinci Life-Skills Curriculum 

blends all the traditional school subjects, the UK national curriculum and more, into expanded, contextual, transdisciplinary projects. 

Our 5 Da Vinci Life-Skills
Transdisciplinary Project Pathways

PEP Pathway

The PERSONAL EXPLORATION pathway (PEP) involves individual passion projects and group projects designed by the students with support from their mentors. We ask learners, what is something: that I am curious about; that I want to getter better at; that I’d like to make or that is problematic in my community or the world that I’d like to tackle. 


The PRODUCTION pathway supports learners to create content for live events, such as an alien stop-frame animation film showing, a cultural identity fashion show or a documentary on migration. Learners research the topic, make all the content and them plan, budget and manage an event for parents and the local community.


The ENTERPRISE pathway fosters entrepreneurial and design thinking. Learners design their own products, explore industrial and civic design, architecture, engineering, robotics and coding. We encourage students to start their own ethical, sustainable and inclusive businesses and we teach them about company structures and finance.

FOOD Pathway

The FOOD pathway investigates the journey of food from the ground to the plate and waste management. We grow and cook food, find out about the history of global food trade, nutrition and health. This pathway covers much of the biology, chemistry and geography curriculum. Projects include designing a nutritious, ethical and sustainable school lunch menu, planting a permaculture garden and researching the history of fermentation and preservation. 


In the MULTIVERSE GAMES pathway learners go on RPG (Role Playing Game) adventures into historical settings, such as Ancient China, the Indian Spice trade and Mansa Musa's Malian empire. They design characters and compose their backstories, considering the beliefs, social structures, professions, etc. of the time they are in. We review the motivations behind the different types of games, learning about strategies, collaboration and game mechanics.

Our 5 pathways lead to 5 accredited DVQs
(Da Vinci Qualifications)
Evidenced in digital portfolios

DVLS 9 Skills Spiral

All our projects follow the iterative sequence of the DVLS 9 Skills Spiral. We follow a formative assessment model that uses assessment as a tool to support further learning. Students learn to evaluate their progress in discussion with their mentors and to give and receive kind and specific feedback with their peers. Student reports accompany their portfolios to evidence their work, abilities and progress.

CSA Food Project
Future Technology
Creative Expression
Real world projects
Transdisciplinary Learning
Character & world building
Play & Adventure
Practical Skills

Our BE Mentors support learners
to design their own
personal learning programs,
to explore their passions and purpose in life. Click here for information about licensing our curriculum and BE Mentor training.

Years of research and experience have gone into building our curriculum
Here are some of the books that have recently informed us.

"...what artistic and scientific imagination have in common is the commitment to imagine/give shape to what is not yet perceived. In the work of Leonardo, we note the perduring effort to bring together multiple observations of a phenomenon within a single drawing..."

"...a new “Way” of schooling is required. Young people are ‘natural learners’ needing time and space to develop their interests and passions, in schools where teachers and students collaborate respecting democracy and human rights. They do not need exam factories."

"Isn't this the purpose of education, to learn the nature of your own gifts and how to use them for good in the world?" "The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can be shared with others."

"The role-playing game learning space holds so much opportunity and wonder... As social media, global internet access, and education are colliding, we need a practical solution in schools that helps youth gain perspective, in real time, to their rapidly changing and evolving lives... We need places for students to fail and succeed, but not where their grade point averages (GPAs) and social status are on the line."

"Creativity as play, adventure and self-expression... Point Zero is the place under the conditioning, authentic, real, present."

"A person high in desire for dominance may assert control over a passive bystander and briefly feel potent. But attaining such dominance is unlikely to yield any basic need satisfaction and thus is unlikely to foster any durable sense of wellbeing... By contrast, gaining love, gaining new skills, or acting in accord with an abiding value are more likely to fulfil basic needs, and thus quite directly enhance wellness."

"The aim of the LPA is to develop all students as confident and capable learners - ready, willing, and able to choose, design, research, pursue, troubleshoot, and evaluate learning for themselves, alone and with others, in school and out."

"All these studies show that innovations that include strengthening the practice of formative assessment produce significant and often substantial learning gains... improved formative assessment helps low achievers more than other students and so reduces the range of achievement while raising achievement for all.

"We continue to overload our kids with content in a few areas, while reducing the breadth of their curriculums, so much so that we distract the teacher from her core role of building a deep, genuine and human relationship with the child."

"The OFSTED framework expectation is a curriculum, containing 'high academic/
vocational/technical ambition for all pupils'... (however) the vocational, technical and creative subjects do not feature in the EBacc target."
"We propose a future that pairs artificial intelligence with valuing the cognitive, social and emotional skills of people."

" is the tendency to seek optimal challenge, to struggle and make sense of the world, to fool around with unfamiliar ideas. Human beings are inclined to push themselves to succeed at something moderately difficult... Rewards, like punishments actually undermine the intrinsic motivation that promotes optimal performance."

"By problem-based learning we mean learning that starts with real-world problems and, through rigorous process of enquiry, enables learners to conduct research - integrating both theory and practice - and apply their knowledge and skills to develop potential solutions."